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Funding the Clubs, Activities and Teams

Through membership dues, donations, and concessions stand sales the MVHS Booster Club is able to support the many clubs, activities and teams at Mill Valley.


Here is a sampling of what we do:

2 microwaves for the cafeteria

Debate Club $200

Marine Biology $500

Silver Stars $980

Tennis $1150

Basketball Equipment $1200

Freshman T-shirt $2000

Donate funds to variety of clubs/teams $4000

Senior Scholarships $6000

Concessions worked funds to variety of clubs/teams $9000



Concession Stand Shifts


Shifts are available for anyone during most Varsity home sports events.  For every shift worked, the Booster Club will pay $20 to the club, activity or team of your choice.  Notices of sign-ups are sent through Skyward messages and sign-ups are done through Sign-up Genius. Parents and students can work these shifts.  BONUS: NHS members can received community service hours for their shifts!


Questions?  Contact



Funding Requests


Funding Requests are requests made directly to the Booster Club by an organization.  The coach/teacher sponsor of an organization must get the form from Mr. Heath Wilson or Mr. Brent Bechard.  It should be filled out and returned to the Booster Club mailbox in the MVHS office or emailed to  A representative of the organization should plan to attend the Booster Club meeting when the request will be discussed. We fund requests for entry fees, equipment, new club seed money, and printing costs.  We do not fund requests for uniforms. 

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